Ron Gordon Memorial George Washington Art Contest
For many years, the Greater Washington Area Historical Society has celebrated George Washington’s birthday in February by having the Museum at 58230 Van Dyke open for an afternoon and sponsor tours and refreshments for visitors. In 2010, one of our members, Ron Gordon, suggested that we have an art contest in cooperation with the Washington Elementary School and have the students in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades participate. The students would draw a portrait of George Washington and their art teacher would submit nine finalists from each grade for judging by members of the historical society.
On February 25, 2024, the Museum will be open and the artwork of the 27 finalists will be on display for visitors to see. And the Museum is open for tours of exhibits in five large rooms. Of course, refreshments will be available. The artwork is to be judged at the end of the day and a winner selected from each grade plus an overall winner.
The three winners of the art contest and the overall winner will be announced at an assembly at the Washington Elementary School on February 27. All the finalists are invited to a pizza lunch at the Museum after which tours of the Museum will be conducted. At the conclusion of the luncheon and tours, all the finalists will be presented with a packet of information including a certificate of participation.
Washington Museum Benefit and Anniversary Dinner. April 12, 2024
Super Sunday June 2, 2024
Super Sunday will be June 2, 2024. More information and application on page for Super Sunday 2024.
Annual Golf Invitational Thursday June 13, 2024
Most grateful for the support that we have received from all of our sponsors to replace the roof on our local historical landmark, your Museum, and the work of all the volunteers to make this event a success. We now have about 80 percent of the funding needed for the project which includes a complete removal of the roof, sheeting and new shingles. Funding has come from two very successful golf outings , many individual contributions, fund raising events and generous grant awards from the 4 County Community Foundation and the Michigan Arts and Cultural Council.
Book Sale
The Book Sale is to be held September 8th and 12th at the Museum. Donations for the book sale can be left on any Sunday we are open in July and August.
Business Meetings
Second Thursday of each month except December at 11:00 AM. Business meetings are open to the public. If you might like to participate, call 248-652-2458 for details.
Work Days
Work days are normally scheduled every Thursday, 10 AM - 1 PM, from May to November. Please check to see if we are having a work day.