About the Washington Historical Society

The Greater Washington Area Historical Society was organized in 1975. Through the years, the Society has saved the old Washington High School, promoted the cultural arts, and collected and preserved many artifacts pertaining to Washington Township and the surrounding area.   The Society is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.  Tours can be arranged by calling the Museum and leaving a message:   586-786-5304 or 248-652-2458

Projects we are currently working on include:

  • Collecting and cataloging old pictures of people, events and buildings of Washington Township.
  • Interior renovation of the Museum to provide added space for displays.
  • Expanding the genealogy section at the Museum for Washington Township.
  • Cataloging the artifacts in the John Dyer-Hurdon Boy Scout Museum.  Over 2000 items have been recorded and we are not finished
  •  We initiated a major fund raising project, “ Saving Energy to Preserve History”, in 2016 which is the 100th anniversary of the Old Washington School building--our Museum.   A Grant application was approved by the Michigan Council of Arts and Cultural Affairs and we have been awarded $5,574.   A second grant for $500 was awarded by the Macomb County Heritage Alliance.  The grants along with generous donations from our community allowed us to replace the furnace and the project was completed by Johnson Thermal Temp in January, 2019. 
  • We had applied for and  received a grant from the Michigan Council of Arts and Cultural Affairs  to help with maintenance of the Museum for the summer of 2020.
  • Boy Scout projects at the Museum have resulted in earning Eagle Scout achievement in four instances.  Two projects are in planning stages at this time and a possible third project is being considered.
  • Modification of the entrance area to provide information about the Museum for guidance in visiting the Museum.  A large sign has been placed which provides the visitor with the layout of the building and brief description of exhibits in each room.  A stand is now provided for visitors to register when entering the building.
  • We have received  a grant from the Four County Community Foundation and have  installed a stair lift from the first level to the upper level of the Museum so that senior citizens may more easily visit the upper three rooms of exhibits.  The generous grant was supplemented with additional funds from the Friends of the Ray Township Library and Historical Society and the Greater Washington Area Historical Society.
  • Our next major fund raising project was to replace the roof at the Museum.  Our first golf outing was held at the Greystone Golf Club on June 16, 2022, to raise funds for the roof project at the Museum.  Additionally two very successful golf outings were held in 2023 and 2024.  Major grants were received  from the Michigan Arts & Culture Council and the Four County Community Foundation to provide funding for the roof project.  The golf outing fund raisers, the grants, additional funding from the Preceptor Delta Beta Sorority, the 2024 Anniversary Dinner Event, Super Sunday Events and many,  many individual donations allowed us to replace the roof at the Museum.  The project was completed on July 20, 2024. We were not able to replace the gutters at this time as part of the project so we will need additional funds for the gutters.
  • If you are interested in meeting some interesting people, learning more about the history of Washington Township, and spending a few hours a week helping to save that history, join the Society and volunteer to help. We are always looking for new ideas and can always use a couple of extra hands. Not to mention -- it will give you a very good feeling!!!
  • Scout Meetings and Events

     Call Mark Fobare for information:  586-850-3673.

Copyright © 2016 Greater Washington Area Historical Society. All Rights Reserved.